Thursday, January 28, 2010

News and links, January 28, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Google WDI data works with population as well!

WDI data in Google

Google makes life easier than ever. Now, one can access the WDI data by typing queries in Google:  e.g. "GDP of Ukraine". Also, nice figures are easy to produce and share. For example, look at the great divergence between Turkey and Ukraine, two neighbors across the Black Sea:

News and links, January 26, 2010

Tom Coupe on example of trade diversion:
"In 2006 the top countries of origin were Russia, Ukraine and Romania - in that order, the Tampep network reports. But in 2008 the top three were Romania, Russia and Bulgaria. Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007.

M. Azarov on the driving force of economic growth in Ukraine in 2011: vote for our candidate and the team of professionals. I wonder who those professionals are, he himself is a geologist by education.

Kommersant reports that the unemployment in Ukraine is down from 9.5% in 1q2009 to 8.6% in the January-September 2009